The "simple things" -- they can help you achieve!

The simple things -- those obvious things that make you happy but which aren't "practical" or "productive" -- are too often overlooked. We value work so much in our society, that it can lead us to forget how important other things are, e.g., having people who care about you, taking care of your health, and doing things you enjoy is. We could all be so much happier if they taught us those things from an early age! But instead we seem to often focus on hard work and hopefully, eventually stumble upon happiness.

Sometimes, it can seem "lazy" or even "selfish" to take that time to develop your happiness -- the good things in your life -- which is ridiculous, as those things make life good! And they also make it easier to work hard, as your health, heart and mind are supported.

What "simple things" do you need to feel good? To be your best and happiest? Make a list and then seek those things out! There's nothing wrong with knowing you need some things.

Examples: (your list may be very different!)
  • Taking time to unwind and relax
  • Signing up for a class, just for fun!
  • Reading for a whole day
  • Friends who understand you -- and listen to you
  • Family members who are there for you
  • A night out on the town
  • Going to a baseball game
  • Meeting new, fun people
  • Being part of a group, such as a sports group, club, etc.
  • Window shopping, working on a project, making cookies, watching TV, reading mindless magazines, wasting time, camping, hiking, doing your nails, buying new clothing, etc.
We're often taught to try to not "need" anything or anyone. But the problem with this is, we are then struggling to get by instead of thriving. A potted plant may not "need" special soil and sprays in order to simply grow, but to thrive, that plant DOES need that extra care.

So instead of feeling guilty for needing anything, know that in order to reach your highest level of potential, you will need some extras -- extra rest, fun, health, friends, love, etc. No, these things aren't necessary just to exist, but they are necessary to thrive and reach your highest potential, in ALL areas of your life!


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