what inspires you?

what inspires you? recharges you? It's probably something you haven't done in 10 years or more. Or something you've never done.

Burnout is so common that most of us don't even realize we ARE burned out. It just feels normal. But that's not normal. That's not how you need to be anymore.

It seems like a waste to be "inspired" and "recharge" doesn't it? You'd rather be ACCOMPLISHING right? Well, without that fuel, you are a car driving on empty. You are SLOW. Unfocused, lacking energy.

People can feel your energy. They know when you are burned out. It affects everything.

So make a list of 10 things that make you feel vibrant, alive, that makes your skin tingle and your heart feel light. Those things that effortlessly allow you to feel energy and want to take off running and laughing. DO those things. You deserve it! And it will build the foundation, the rich soil, from which you can ACCOMPLISH, quickly, happily. You can drag your feet through the mud and pat yourself on the back for overcoming adversity, OR just find the path first and simply walk on it. It's so much easier.

Life should be EASY, or at least easier than it's been. Write your inspire list. Feel the joy of doing those things and let it flow over into everything.

Good luck! :D


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