
Showing posts from December, 2010

The impossible is, well, impossible.

Regardless of how hard you work, your mind, soul, body and spirit will NOT allow you to create something that is impossible -- so until you believe it is possible for you to become _____(fill in the blank), you won't be. That could apply to becoming a millionaire/loved/happy/wealthy/accepted/spiritual/a certain job position/or whatever it is for you. What would you LOVE to become, but feel frustrated about? Believe it's possible. That's the first step.

Allowing good things's harder than you'd think.

Once you open the door to allowing new, GOOD things to happen to you, absolutely ANYTHING becomes possible. Let go. ALLOW. Don't be afraid. Easier said than done, isn't it? And the reason for that, as I'll explain, is partly stuck deep in your primitive brain. It's something that restricts the majority of us into cramped little lives we aren't meant for. And it's stuck deep in your primitive brain -- yet, you can undo its negative effect, as I'll also explain. But first, the Secret and The Law of Attraction both require you to "allow" in order to receive the things you desire. Desire is easy enough. "Wow. I WANT that." Visualizing it isn't too tricky either "Yeah, I can see myself in that life." But the allowing part is where most of us get stuck. Do I really deserve that? Is it really even possible? I don't see any evidence for this being possible, so maybe I should throw that idea out. Sometimes holding the hand of neg...

Birds of a feather -- which birds are your friends?

Be careful who you mix with most. Those closes to you will influence you more than you know. Take the five people who you talk to most and spend the most time with. For most people... *Your salary will be an average of their salaries. *Your mindset on what is possible (and what is impossible) will become similar to theirs. *Your negative or positive outlook on the world, your ethics, your beliefs -- will all be strongly influenced these people. Choose these closest people mindfully and carefully. For most of us, the choice is not so conscious. We hang out with the people who live closest, who we've known the longest, who we feel the most comfortable around (we are creatures of habit and comfort). But just because something is familiar, does not mean it's the right choice for you. How would your life be different if you consciously went out, left that familiar cozy comfort zone for a moment, and made efforts to meet people who are kinder than you, happier than you, richer than y...

Are you LAZY? Or just in the wrong life?

My opinion is that no one is lazy when they are going after something they WANT and care about. When our goals don't match who we are, that's when we notice a symptom -- we just don't do very much. And that can appear like laziness. Let me give you an example from my own life... I clearly remember a moment, living in Phoenix Arizona, sitting hunched at my computer, bored, not sure what I wanted to do. Knowing it wasn't the right city for me, but not knowing which city was. Bored with my writing job. Single, and my friends all lived between 30 minutes to an hour drive away. And I was eating hummus and pita chips, and a piece of that chip flew onto the floor. I stared at it for a long time, and I realized I had no motivation to pick it up. None. I let it sit there for a long, long time. I was somewhat horrified at myself for just letting the thing sit there, but I was also aware that part of me just didn't feakin care. And it wasn't just that pita chip, but every ...

What does a life coach do?

As a life coach in NYC, you wouldn't imagine how many people ask me "What do you do??? How does it work??" So some explanation... So let me explain what Julie Melillo Life Coaching is all about. Coaches all work a bit differently, but this is what's important to me: 1. You know more about yourself and your problem than I do (or than I ever could -- you've lived with it for WAY longer than I have). 2. You are smart/creative and full of strengths. 3. You are FULL of potential. 4. My goal is to unlock this awesome potential (so yes, you are basically your own treasure chest of potential). 4. Once we find "the key," we make sure you know how this process works, so that you can continue to do what works, for the rest of your life. 5. This process happens ASAP -- as fast as you are comfortable with. Picture this:Weekly, we lounge at a swanky hotel lounge/favorite coffee place/ your conference room at work/your office/or perhaps you even want to wander your fav...

Verbal/Emotional Abuse - Can be more harmful than physical abuse

Many of my clients find themselves facing barriers outside of their own control. However, one of the most harmful barriers are negative people in my clients' lives who refuse to be supportive of new goals and dreams. Negative people WILL hold you back. They can influence your mindset, leading you to doubt yourself. Taking this a step further, many people in my clients' lives (even well-meaning friends or family) may go beyond not being supportive, and enter into the territory of Verbal or Emotional abuse as a way to attempt to control and prevent change. Change is scary for people, however harming others as a way to prevent change is unacceptable. Some examples: "You're stupid." "How do you expect to reach that goal? You can't even fold the laundry right." "I said that to get you to shut up." "You're worthless and fat." "I don't know if I even love you anymore." Ignoring. Disrespecting you. Refusing to speak to...