Birds of a feather -- which birds are your friends?

Be careful who you mix with most. Those closes to you will influence you more than you know.

Take the five people who you talk to most and spend the most time with. For most people...

*Your salary will be an average of their salaries.
*Your mindset on what is possible (and what is impossible) will become similar to theirs.
*Your negative or positive outlook on the world, your ethics, your beliefs -- will all be strongly influenced these people.

Choose these closest people mindfully and carefully.

For most of us, the choice is not so conscious. We hang out with the people who live closest, who we've known the longest, who we feel the most comfortable around (we are creatures of habit and comfort). But just because something is familiar, does not mean it's the right choice for you.

How would your life be different if you consciously went out, left that familiar cozy comfort zone for a moment, and made efforts to meet people who are kinder than you, happier than you, richer than you (in money and in other ways), more giving than you, and insert the other qualities that matter a LOT to you in life here ___________.

It's not to say you have to disown your family and forget your friends, but instead add a different influence.

Even having one new friend with qualities greater than yours, will change your mindset. It will influence you towards more positive action.

Spending time with people like that WILL influence you. If you're trying to become rich, and your friends complain constantly that it's impossible to get anywhere in life, good luck. If you have even one friend who tells you something positive, perhaps who says "You look like someone who could be really successful," then you have a shot.

Everyone has friends, or at least acquaintances. Our population is also full of muggers, murderers, thieves, sociopaths, and all kinds of other people with qualities that are less dramatic, but equally harmful to you. Negative people who will dampen your enthusiasm, drain your energy, drain your bank account, be sure to hug you when they've just come down with the flu, gossip about you, and so on.

Whether these people are bad or good really isn't the point, but the fact that they can destroy your goals, your happiness or your life, is the point.

These negative influences might have a bigger impact on your goals to have a happy life than being friends with a murderer or mugger, etc. Because at least you can see that clearly for what it is, and avoid it (hopefully!).

If you're feeling stuck, unsuccessful, broke, negative. If you find yourself gossiping constantly, or looking for ways to tear others down. Or perhaps if you're always looking for that easy answer, that new angle, regardless of whether it hurts others or not. You may have fallen into a dangerous situation of being influenced by people who don't have your (or anyone's) best interest at heart.

The less time you spend with negative people, the more time you have to spend with positive people.

1. The first step is to ask yourself, "what do I want most this year?" (Money, love, a home, better relationships, health, etc.)

2. Make a plan for that one goal and write it down. "This year I will ____."

3. Look for people who have the qualities you need to develop in yourself. Befriend them (not to get something in return, but to instead look for ways to help THEM and bring goodness to their lives). It will be appreciated by them.

4. Limit your time spent with people who act in ways (or speak in ways) that derail your efforts.

5. Take daily action and you WILL reach success.


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