Are you LAZY? Or just in the wrong life?

My opinion is that no one is lazy when they are going after something they WANT and care about. When our goals don't match who we are, that's when we notice a symptom -- we just don't do very much. And that can appear like laziness.

Let me give you an example from my own life...

I clearly remember a moment, living in Phoenix Arizona, sitting hunched at my computer, bored, not sure what I wanted to do. Knowing it wasn't the right city for me, but not knowing which city was. Bored with my writing job. Single, and my friends all lived between 30 minutes to an hour drive away. And I was eating hummus and pita chips, and a piece of that chip flew onto the floor. I stared at it for a long time, and I realized I had no motivation to pick it up. None. I let it sit there for a long, long time. I was somewhat horrified at myself for just letting the thing sit there, but I was also aware that part of me just didn't feakin care. And it wasn't just that pita chip, but every aspect of my life (and in that bored feeling, I realized that entire life just had to be torn down and crumble to pieces). It had to decay into dust just like that pita chip. Only then could I build something new.

A lot of changes happened, and then not so long after I was walking unfamiliar streets in NYC, and wondering which way was north, and how people made friends here. And then not so long after, I was surrounded by warm friends, enjoying my business I'd started, married, and doing all the things I'd so wanted to...but I remember wondering if it was all possible.

When pita chips fall to the floor now, I pick them up. Because I want to. When you're in a life you enjoy, it becomes easy to do small and large things. Otherwise, you feel lazy, but you're not -- you're just in the wrong thing.

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