What does a life coach do?

As a life coach in NYC, you wouldn't imagine how many people ask me "What do you do??? How does it work??" So some explanation...

So let me explain what Julie Melillo Life Coaching is all about. Coaches all work a bit differently, but this is what's important to me:

1. You know more about yourself and your problem than I do (or than I ever could -- you've lived with it for WAY longer than I have).
2. You are smart/creative and full of strengths.
3. You are FULL of potential.
4. My goal is to unlock this awesome potential (so yes, you are basically your own treasure chest of potential).
4. Once we find "the key," we make sure you know how this process works, so that you can continue to do what works, for the rest of your life.
5. This process happens ASAP -- as fast as you are comfortable with.

Picture this:Weekly, we lounge at a swanky hotel lounge/favorite coffee place/ your conference room at work/your office/or perhaps you even want to wander your favorite park on a gorgeous sunny day. So, as we toast our coffees/bottled waters and discover your dreams (and challenges), we not only have a great time, but "oh look, we've just plotted your action plans for the next 30 days. And a few sessions later, you might just blurt out "your greatest passion or purpose in life. All those years of not knowing, and then bam, you've just discovered it! Knowing this, the doing is easy. And one day you wake up and are surprised to be living the life you know you've always dreamed of.

I've sat with CEOs, pro sports players, entrepreneurs, artists, actors/models, financial traders...and they've had goals like these "I want to make more money, I want to be financially secure so I can get married, I want to find out what my dream job is, I want to do my thing without my parents insisting I do the family business, I want to finally get a great job, to find the right person for me, to get out of debt, I want more friends in the city, I want to lose 10 pounds, I want to discover my purpose in life," "and perhaps there is a goal that you or someone you know has?

I don't give advice or tell you what you already know. Our work together allows YOU to change the impossible, to the possible. Fast results that last.

The impossible becomes possible. The frustrating and overwhelming becomes a small challenge, easily overcome during the following weeks. The vision takes shape, and the necessary actions become obvious.

And the process (while demanding), is also FUN for both of us.

Can you see the satisfaction as we enthusiastically work towards CREATING the life of your dreams, welcoming YOUR STRENGTHS, and using action-oriented weekly tasks you commit to (while being aware of how EVERY area of your life currently influences the rest). The satisfaction of the results you create, as improving one area immediately influences the rest of your life.

The end result (depending on how quickly you dive in -- you set the pace) is BIG improvements for your career/business, or dating/relationships -- ALL possible with a 7-week coaching package. Get for yourself, or give as a gift certificate for the holidays.

Get the 7-session (in-person) coaching package and save $300 off the regular in-person rate. This includes 2 FREE sessions, and unlimited coaching email responses during your almost 2 months of coaching!

"www.yourdreamslifecoach.com -- fill out the form to have complete rates and package discounts emailed to you.


life coaches said…
When you get everything into balance, when you are working on every aspect of your life, it's as if you have a magic wand that enables you to get things done that other people cannot possibly get done. You can accomplish a lot more in much shorter periods of time.

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