5 Questions to Change Your Life, Today!

Fall is symbolic of letting go of old withered leaves , letting them change color, and then drop, knowing that eventually, new fresh leaves will grow to replace the old. Change in our own lives has a cycle as well. It works best to ALLOW and even WELCOME change, by realizing that whatever has left our lives, needed to leave (exactly at the time it did). What is not meant-to-be for your life, needs to make a swift exit -- otherwise what IS meant to be for you will become blocked, leading to unhappiness. Just as it would be odd if a tree insisted on clinging to its old brown leaves, insisting they were once green, we too need to shed the leaves in our lives, so that we can regrow fresh new bright green leaves. To give yourself a fresh fall new-life, write down these 6 questions. Leave them on your desk for 1-3 days. Don't force yourself to answer them, but simply repeat the questions to yourself -- see what comes up for you. You may have an immediate answer, or you may be surprised ...