
Showing posts from 2008

My new book -- not your typical Life Coaching book!

I've written a new, short, fun book for my clients (and future ones). I've aimed this book at readers who are a bit -- frustrated -- to say the least! Many of my clients come to me at a point of having tried everything and feeling like the world is against them. That is specifically who I have written this book for. The book is called How to Survive in Life When You're Not a Bastard, Thrive in Life, Career, and Relationships while Navigating Past Soul-Sucking Leeches. If you're just a teensy bit bitter but still want to remain positive, this is a great read for you. I'm working on a longer second book that explains my coaching process -- it will be a much more traditional self-development read. It will include the approaches and exercises I've found to be the most beneficial for my clients, so readers can essentially coach themselves. For instant download, you can purchase the $11 book here: http://www.yourdreamslifecoac...

My obsession...Socionics!

For the past 3+ years, I've been absolutely obsessed with a personality type theory that hasn't quite hit the US yet. It's called Socionics and the reason that I've been so obsessed is -- it works. I've found it more useful than just about anything else I've ever learned -- it's up there with arithmetic and the alphabet to me -- and stranger than that, no one else has heard of this, especially when it's so incredibly useful. I get very passionate about this topic, so please excuse any tangents or rambling. It's hard for me to contain and there is a lot to say. For of all, ancient personality theory started with Hippocrates in the late 5 th century BC -- of course, there were probably other ideas as well, but his were most popular. He introduced the 4 basic types of Sanguine, Choloric , Melancholoic , and Phlegmatic -- he based them on parts of the body such as blood, phlem , etc. and attributed traits like mood to these physical things. He was b...

Podcast of my article...

Listen to my article read by Cultivate Life magazine on this podcast -- click here . :) Firstly today, Julie Melillo discusses the current economic problems and how best we can face our fears. Then Kathleen Kennedy looks at the opposite dimension to economic bad times and asks how we can go beyond ourselves to get where we really want to be.... abundant, joyful, and healthy. And finally this week, Esther Andrews examines the pros and cons of the Waldorf Education Method. Our future success depends on the way we bring up our children - it's essential we provide 'education with a soul.' For full texts of this week's magazine, plus details of the authors, go to the Cultivate Life! site online, in the November18th, 2008 issue. The URL is - Freely subscribe here - Music by John Ferrante - http...

Stages of the Success Process -- and where we all get stuck

The process of success is similar to the process of grief. We all accept that a grieving person will go through many stages including numbness, denial, anger, sadness, etc. We also have heard that each individual goes through this process differently, and some people get "stuck" at various stages and are unable to move forward. Often, a person will move forward and then revert back. The SAME is true of the success process. Just as some people become stuck in the guilt phase of grief, and remain there for decades, others are stuck in various phases of the success process. Which phase are you stuck in? The purpose of coaching is to bring us along in this process, because we all get stuck at various points. All humans give up, even successful ones. But successful people do eventually get back up after falling -- some faster than others. There is no good and bad here. It just depends how much time you have and how long you'd like to wait before you create your new life -- it...

The only way from here to there, is through it...

You are here, wherever "here" is to you. Maybe it's a real location, a state of mind, a financial situation, a relationship, a job you plan to show up at tomorrow, a belief in what is possible for you (or not possible. You are here, right now, with everything that entails. And then, in the future is "there." It's bright and shiny and doesn't quite feel like home yet. Do you deserve it? How can you earn it? Is it possible? There is no instant way from here to ther e, and this is where the lies of self development set in. Visualizing your success alone, will not bring it. Repeating mantras or affirmations or positive thoughts alone, will not bring it -- and let me clarify that doing these things does help, but alone, it will not be the answer any more than eating one orange will cause someone to lose 100 pounds -- it is part of the solution, but not the entire solution. To get from here to there requires going "through it." This is the only w...

Doing what you HATE -- it can actually be FUN

There is something very freeing about making yourself do things you hate. Sound contradictory? I guess it is. But think about your own mental to-do lists: how many things do you have floating around in your mind right now that you should get around to, but don't want to take care of yet? Maybe they aren't priorities. Perhaps you've put these things off for the last year, because it didn't really affect anything either way. But what it did effect, was your peace of mind. Because it takes energy to have these things floating around in your brain. That's a cost to you. Think about how often these to-do items pop into your mind -- each time they do, they steal thought energy from other places. You have less room to be creative, to be objective, to adequately deal with your day-t0-day life, the more "clutter" you have in your mind. When your mind is cluttered with things you haven't gotten around to, your brain doesn't stop working. It's similar t...

Moving to a new house...

When talking about transforming a life with clients, we often end up using the analogy of moving to a new house, from an old house. You can use this idea too, to make it easier to both picture your new life and make it happen! 1) Discover the ultimate dream (picture your new house) -- This is where we make a beautiful oil painting of what our new house will look like! You can't build it without an image of what you are building! What does your gorgeous new home look like? There's no reason to build something without passion -- so get excited about what wonderful things you will put in those new rooms. What memories will you make? Listen to that inner voice that knows which direction you really want to go. What would you ideal life look like? Sound like? Feel like? Picture it with all of its lovely details. If you're artistic, paint your dream. Or make a collage, sketch or even combine googled images in a paint program and print out the result -- this is your visionboard, a...

The Martha Stewart Dreamers into Doers Award

Martha Stewart hosts a contest each year called Dreamers into Doers. To me, it really is a Life Coaching type of a concept, as it's focused on individuals who have transformed a dream into reality. I was really excited to receive a last minute invitation to her cocktail party and awards gala, that broadcasts on November 12th. One reason I got so excited about this is -- aside from just getting to be in the same room with Martha -- is because Martha Stewart is one of the women I really admire, for all that she has accomplished. I started reading her book back at the Borders in Scottsdale, AZ and I specifically remember sitting there in one of those big brown chairs, opening up to a random chapter and being blown away. The part that inspired me the most, was when she mentioned that she didn't start Omnimedia -- she started a small catering company. She then grew that company into something much bigger. That idea that everything big, starts with something small, is a very motivati...

How to Reach Any Goal in 30 Days -- Let's Make an Action Plan!

Read the article here: Want to find the best life coach for you and your goals? Need a new life? Career or personal dreams? Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients -- I coach financial traders, attorneys, entrepreneurs, artists and anyone creating a big, brand new life. 

3 Tips for Letting Go...

When things don't go our way and we realize that a situation has taken a turn that no longer works for us, we need to re-access. And after we do this, letting go of a situation or thought that is no longer helping us evolve is often the answer.  Letting go is something that is difficult for all of us, regardless of where we are in life. Here are some tips and ideas to make it a bit easier to move on to something you know deep down is a better choice for you. 1) Moving on means letting go -- Try to think of what you're doing as going after something new, instead of losing out on something that is gone. Do mourn your loss fully (whether that is a job, living situation, friendship, relationship, etc.). But keep in mind that you are mourning in order to create balance and space in your life to bring in new fulfillment, happiness and rays of sunshine -- life can't stay dark for very long before light sneaks in! 2) Your arms can only carry so much -- think of your arms as holdi...

Things every Life Coach should know...

In Life Coaching school, coaches learn the basics of the coaching process and ways to be most effective with clients -- but just knowing a fact and applying it in your work are two different things. In my experience, coaches don't usually intend harm by not following this list, they instead have not yet trained themselves how to be a coach. When I see this happening, it frustrates me, because it can take a client even LONGER to reach their goal when they work with a coach like this. An ineffective coach can even create additional roadblocks for a client. it can cause the client to question their own ability to think and solve problems -- the very opposite of what should be accomplished: getting the client to trust themselves and their intuition. Anyone looking for a coach should keep these lists in mind, or forward to those you know who are looking for a coach. This applies to all areas of coaching. A COACH SHOULD NEVER.... Judge a client -- coaches are not experts. Clients are ...

Looking for Inspiration...

I hate ruts, and I've been in many myself. It can seem like everything is blah and gray and whoooo caaaares...and then that builds on itself. Especially with those pretty leaves falling and cold weather to come -- it's a low motivation time of year. What this process does is sap away your ability to create new possibilities, which makes it seem like things are even more boring. This is your reality for now. Later you'll be back to your creative, motivated self. But just for now, accept that the world looks gray and boring and sucks -- even though it's possible to change this pretty easily later on. But for now, accept that this is your world. So what's happening now? Let's focus on what it's like to be at the center of a rut. Usually, this stagnation happens when part of you wants to grow, and part of you...doesn't. The part that doesn't want to grow starts trying to convince you that there is just nuthin' out there! Look! Nothing. The world is b...

The Amazing Power of Decisions -- small ones!

Choosing is powerful. It's easy to forget how vast our ability to change our own lives is. The fact is, we have a choice in everything -- every situation, every circumstance, every failure. We decide how we will respond and what choice we will make -- we have that ability to make powerful decisions every second we are alive. Sometimes life brings disasters. When these disasters happen in our personal lives, we often take the blame and give up. Natural disasters somehow seem different don't they? But they're not. Things happen. What if the US reacted to natural disasters the way we often react to problems in our own lives? If there was a devastating flood somewhere in the US, what if the officials sat back and said "Darn. I guess we are really unlucky. We would help, but we're not very good at this 'rescue' stuff. Hopefully all those people had swimming lessons, and we'll try to save some people next year when we've had more time to get around to it...

Economic Problems and Facing our Fears

With the recent collapse of two Wall Street giants , speculation of doom seems to hang in the air especially here in New York City. Between gas prices, politics and financial crisis, it's amazing anyone seems to be able to get on with their day. And my clients are definitely feeling the strain, with the situation affecting their careers and pocketbooks. In spite of all of this, I want to point out something. Tragedy can be a time of great growth. Our lives, dreams and families don't have to be demolished -- they can instead take flight. That might sound crazy, and yes, you're right that Wall Street does affect Main Street -- all of our Main Streets. And yes, the economy is all linked together, etc, and it may trickle down. But that does not mean your life is ruined. It could even mean the opposite. Times of tragedy are times of change. There is nothing inherently wrong with change, but bringing in something new does always mean letting go of something. We associate lettin...

Choose your own adventure...

Does anyone remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books? You would read a section and then decide what action the character should take and flip to another page to see the result. To me, real life is like that too. In your life right now, your entire reality is made up of the choices you have made thus far. This -- right now -- is the end result of some decision you made a while ago. Some decisions five minutes ago, others from a year ago, others from when you were a kid. Yes, your beliefs will continue to influence your decisions And your decisions are often based on your beliefs about yourself and the world -- what you expect to happen is what you allow to happen. So really, you have total control: you can change your expectations, your thoughts, your beliefs AND your actions. You get to tell that character exactly what to do. So if you think of your life right now, there are some things that are happy and easy, and other things that are a never-ending struggle. Which things in y...

Your room, your life

It's interesting how our living spaces reveal more than we think they do. Look around your room, your office, or any space you have control over. How is it organized? Or not organized? What would a stranger walking into your space think of you? Are you vibrant and alive? Are you passionate? Orderly? Planned out? Spontaneous? Look at your room and notice the objects you have chosen. Why did you chose that? What does it mean to you? Remember you can chose the objects to fill your room the same way you select what you place in your life -- your job, your relationships, your activities, your thoughts, your beliefs, your passions -- these are your selections. And they are choices you have control over. On a personal note, I remember when my living room was a disaster. It seemed each month it got worse and worse, and I didn't care to improve it. I let clutter and junk pile high, and I didn't respect or care for my possessions -- the fact was, it was a life I was done with. I was ...

Why is change so hard?

Why do we do the same routines for decades, all the while knowing they are not right for us? When we make a change, we bring up ancient, primal pain – the pain of life or death. The fear of losing our life. The pain of losing the little we have already gathered together in our worlds. This is like trying to take a bone from a dog – good luck. It makes sense. Think of a cave person. Would they shake up their routine just to see what happened? Probably not. Leaving the cave at a different time might mean getting eaten by a big animal -- better to stick with what you know! So when we are making changes, the same gut-level fears can arise. It’s enough to make you curl up in the fetal position and sob – which is why, for most of us, we avoid making big life changes. We avoid thinking about things too deeply and instead go along with the crowd and hope that in the end, it will somehow all make sense. But this is not the way that we become happy. To be happy requires asking questions – ...

The 10 things successful people require to achieve new dreams:

To turn dreams into reality, you need several things. Look at the following list. Do you have all of these things in your life right now? If you're lacking even one area, hire me to fill in the gaps, so you can reach your goals faster. You deserve to have every area filled. Otherwise, you're just wasting time. 1. Support. You need a supportive group of like-minded people in your life to achieve success. Your Life Coach is one of these important people. Your coach will help you find ways to grow your support network. 2. Feedback. You require objective feedback to attain success. Not the response of those with a financial or emotional stake in your decisions -- your coach is objective -- your happiness is the only interest of your coach. 3. Creativity. You need to access your own creative power to reach your dreams. Your coach helps you tap into your potential using visualization exercises, relaxation, brainstorming, powerful questioning and other tools. 4. Check in. You nee...

Have you ever wondered -- what's next?

Life Coaching helps you discover who you are , what you want, and how to get it quickly. This information is inside of you, but since you are you, it's hard to see it clearly. I will listen to you intensely, drawing out the information we need to co-create your new life. Why do athletes have coaches? Why do presidents? Why do celebrities always travel with packs of people?Unlike therapy or counseling, Life Coaching means I'm your equal partner. We both have the same goal -- to improve your entire life! You deserve to be happy and live the life of your dreams. Dream wildly and live courageously!Who do I work with? The emotionally brave, bold and adventurous -- even if you wouldn't know it by looking at them. Emotional strength and bravery is rare, and it's what enables people make life changes. It's what we develop in coaching. It is terrifying to try something new. This is why so few people do it. Learning how to tear down your expectations and build a new life from...

How Coaching Helps

Is there more to your life? You have even more potential and now you're ready to see it. Finally ready to answer those questions that need to be addressed.You know there is potential for your life that extends beyond the life you have now -- but something has prevented you from building this new life. What is it? Let's move it out of the way. Things are different now. Something has attracted you to this web site. To the idea of building a new life. It's for a reason. What are you capable of becoming? If it's the right time for you to build a new life step-by-step, email me and ask about my life coaching rates and plans (no obligation). Or just ask a question. Are you seeking happiness? The fact is, successful people face great challenges -- isolation, stress, burnout, few or no objective listeners with no stake in the outcome, no time for relationships, and lack of leisure time and relaxation. Coaching can help.Do you want to re-connect to yourself? What did you dream ...

Driving on the rims -- Do you know someone like this?

We have a chance everyday to bring in the new -- to discover new things about ourselves, our life and our potential to do great things in the world. But some people -- and you probably know some like this -- refuse to see anything new. They live in the old. The "certain" and the "known." I like to compare this to a driver. When the tires on a vehicle are worn out and ready to burst , some people recognize that change is important in life, and go out and buy a fresh set to safely get them from place to place. Other people keep driving on those tires until they're down to the rims, and they still don't want to give up on them -- they believe that what is certain is better, even if what is certain, has become dangerous. This sounds like a silly example when we're talking about tires and danger, but what ways does having a stagnant life endanger a person? High stress. Relationship problems. Confusion. Apathy. Depression. These are all side effects of not oc...