
Showing posts from 2009

I was invited to speak...

about personality types at this Duke NYC Alumni event. If you're in NYC and attended Duke, please join us! "6 Degrees of Duke" Networking Night WHAT: DCNY's "6 Degrees of Duke" networking night, this month featuring life and career coach, Julie Melillo,** who will help us better understand ourselves by exploring our personality types. In just a few minutes, some simple exercises will reveal your top two personal strengths and your most compatible relationships for work. WHO: For alumni (undergraduate and graduate) of all ages! WHERE: McFadden's*, 42nd Street at 2nd Avenue *Front room from 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. and back private room starting at 7:30 p.m. Julie will begin her presentation at 7:45 p.m. SHARP. WHEN: Tuesday, December 15, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. (and the 3rd Tuesday of every month) ================ **JULIE MELILLO BIO: Julie Melillo has a BA in Communications, minor in Journalism and graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Arizona. She is a memb...

Trouble getting along during that Thanksgiving meal?

The wonderful time of Thanksgiving can also bring alive all kinds of family tensions that have been simmering all year long. How you deal with it can make the difference between tearing your hair out, and having a relaxing holiday. For many of my clients, there is at least one person they are nervous about seeing -- conflicting personality family members, ex-spouses, in-laws, or other potentially stressful situations. Try these tips to make your holiday more relaxing and enjoyable! Tips: 1. Remember that another people's decisions, words, and actions are NOT yours -- you can't control others, regardless of how awful or mean they are acting. Let go of trying to control others, or anticipate what they will do, since you DON'T have that power. 2. You DO have power over yourself. Make decisions about how you will spend your holiday, with which people, and decide who you will talk with more, and who will get less of your time. Remember to keep your behavior, choices and actions ...

Women and insecurity

Regardless of how gorgeous, beautiful and amazing a woman looks, her personality will be one of the following. Though all women has aspects of both, one will be more dominant at any point in time. 1)The insecure woman -- constantly applying make-up, obsessed with "problems" with their bodies, obsessively shopping, and other habits to cover up insecurity. Worries a lot and never seems to have enough, always looking for the next trend, the next thing to make that worrying feeling stop. She might even feel that looking perfect will make certain situations go better. 2) The secure woman -- look nice, but doesn't obsess about her appearance -- yet somehow attracts every eye in the room. Puts effort into how she looks, but doesn't worry too much -- what she thinks matters more than what others think. Focuses on doing things she likes that make her happy and doesn't worry much about the rest. And this has very little to do with how a woman looks. Wouldn't you assu...

The "simple things" -- they can help you achieve!

The simple things -- those obvious things that make you happy but which aren't "practical" or "productive" -- are too often overlooked. We value work so much in our society, that it can lead us to forget how important other things are, e.g., having people who care about you, taking care of your health, and doing things you enjoy is. We could all be so much happier if they taught us those things from an early age! But instead we seem to often focus on hard work and hopefully, eventually stumble upon happiness. Sometimes, it can seem "lazy" or even "selfish" to take that time to develop your happiness -- the good things in your life -- which is ridiculous, as those things make life good! And they also make it easier to work hard, as your health, heart and mind are supported. What "simple things" do you need to feel good? To be your best and happiest? Make a list and then seek those things out! There's nothing wrong with knowing y...


It's the glimmer, that sparkle in someone's eyes, no matter how far away their goals and dreams seem. It's what makes room for that passion to spark into something unstoppable. It's what made me want to move to NYC, and what makes me excited to stay here. Potential is the reason I'm excited every time I sit down with or start a call with a client. All of us, no matter where we've been, or who we have been, have SO much more potential than we could ever realize. More to uncover, uncharted waters and struggles and adventures that will take us from now to places we could never imagine. To good things we thought didn't exist. They DO. And it's the potential, that room to create something new, that gleam in your eyes, that will take you there. Think about your own potential. It may seem impossible and far, far away. But things often seem different from how they are. We are wrong all the time. So if you've given up on your dreams, you may very well be wron...

what inspires you?

what inspires you? recharges you? It's probably something you haven't done in 10 years or more. Or something you've never done. Burnout is so common that most of us don't even realize we ARE burned out. It just feels normal. But that's not normal. That's not how you need to be anymore. It seems like a waste to be "inspired" and "recharge" doesn't it? You'd rather be ACCOMPLISHING right? Well, without that fuel, you are a car driving on empty. You are SLOW. Unfocused, lacking energy. People can feel your energy. They know when you are burned out. It affects everything. So make a list of 10 things that make you feel vibrant, alive, that makes your skin tingle and your heart feel light. Those things that effortlessly allow you to feel energy and want to take off running and laughing. DO those things. You deserve it! And it will build the foundation, the rich soil, from which you can ACCOMPLISH, quickly, happily. You can drag your feet th...

How to Fade Fear in 8 steps!

We all feel fear rise up as we consider taking action. Follow these steps to clear out the fear and get what you want faster! Fears aren't rational and this exercise will help to guide you back to feeling aligned with your goals. 1. Think about taking action. 2. Feel the fear rise up -- write down your experience of the fear. (Does your heart pound? where you feel it in your body? Does it feel like a cold block of ice on your chest? What color is it? Is the fear trying to prevent something from "harming" you? 3. What harm is the fear trying to prevent? What bad outcome could happen that you're afraid of?) Let the fear grow and ask it to "talk to you" to explain why it's so afraid. Close your eyes, breathe and try to visualize what the fear is trying to show you. 4. Listen -- you may see images, feel sensations of fear in your body or remember painful memories. 5. Acknowledge the fear like you would talk to a screaming child -- say "It's OK, ...

Take Action!

Even if you're unsure, taking action in one direction can give you valuable feedback that over-analyzing can't. You don't have to do something drastic -- you can take a small action: make a phone call, send an email, go somewhere new. The results of your action will likely propel you to continue on, as you'll see that it's not as hard as you thought to get the ball rolling. Most of us procrastinate endlessly because we don't yet have every piece of information perfectly aligned -- taking action stops this cycle and propels you forward more quickly than anything. Doing something new gives you energy -- it may feel like nerves, but energy is all is is -- it's the same energy as excitement, which is what you need to energize your goals and bring about the new mindset you'll need as you grow. Take one small new action today -- doesn't need to be an enormous action. Even a tiny task may be enough to energize you and shake up your mindset. Good luck!

Is it possible?

If you don't believe it's possible, it won't be. If you don't allow yourself to be powerful, you won't. Preventing yourself from being powerful, is still using your power, but for a different outcome. You're either creating what you want, or what you don't want. The energy is the same. So might as well re-direct that energy towards what you want instead. A small shift with a big result. What's one thing that is actually possible, that you've been afraid to realize? What's one thing you haven't been open to? Want to work on this together? Get weekly phone coaching. 2-week trial rate less than half the full rate!!


You're powerful always. But you have a choice as to whether you use that power, or not. It's fine at times to hide from your power, but remember it is there. You can be meek, distracted, weak, but that doesn't mean that is who you are. How we act in one situation can be very different from another. What situations have you had in your life? Which traits have they brought out in you? Are there other aspects of you that haven't had an opportunity to shine? What situations would allow you to shine and feel powerful in your life now? If there is an area of life you'd prefer to be more powerful in, you can always choose to make that happen.

Why it's so hard to break habits -- blame your brain

Why is it so hard to learn something new? And so easy to do things out of habit? Even when you'd rather break a habit and do something completely new? Have you ever struggled to break a habit? Whether that was bad eating, avoiding exercise, smoking, or thinking negative thoughts? Have you ever been so frustrated and given up, despite logically knowing the new habit or thoughts would do you good? You've probably heard a lot about "thinking new thoughts" and how important it is to do that. What we practice becomes habit, and habits are tough to break -- but how do you create new, better habits, when your brain seems to not want to help you out? And your behavior follows suit, creating a vicious cycle! Instead of beating yourself up , understand why it happens. Habits are powerful, chemical and electrical processes that happen in your brain -- no wonder it's tough! Let's break it down. 1. While you're sitting there frustrated, your brain's cells (neurons...

3 Steps to create more confidence, NOW!

Big presentation? Job interview? Date with potential? Need more confidence fast? Of course you do. Even the boldest of us can use an extra shot of flair. Here's how. It's all in the mindset. 1. Let go of the outcome! You don't control it. Example: you can't hire yourself, agree to a date with yourself, pay yourself money, change the results of an exam, etc. Those are outcomes and you CAN'T control outcomes. So don't beat yourself up about what you can't control -- the end result is NOT in your control. 2. INSTEAD: What IS in your control are the actions you take. Take all the shots you would take if you weren't scared. Do them the BEST you can at that time. 3. Make a list of "fearless" things you would do if you were ridiculous confident! Do them. Even if you are scared. Focus on DOING the action, FORGETTING the outcome. Doing another action. This will increase your odds for eventually reaching your end goal faster, with less frustration (sinc...

The struggle and joy of change

Enjoy this poem about the struggle and joy of change. I think the coaching process is truly amazing and wanted to try to capture a bit of it in this poem -- I hope you enjoy it! :) Wishing you much success in your goals. You can also watch me reading this poem on You Tube. Moment blurring past won't let me back in when I wrap this new paper all around a gift and here we go won't look back no a tree stretches out roots grabbing soil like it should strong grip like ancient things flowing right through my bloodstream and all the strength of ancestors brings us to this point this hesitation survival is easy when you live blue sky swirling white clouds mix easy as lying down it begins now feet sink into grass into soil like a seed standing waiting to grow always somewhat unpredictable yet as certain as the seasons impossible to contain like the rain a choice to yell or hush intentions behind a whisper to get up and leave or stand still like plaster behind tall things hiding and I w...

Lazy? Prove yourself wrong!

We all have an area of life we feel lazy about -- maybe you have clutter. Perhaps you neglect your social calendar. Maybe you slack at work. Whatever it is, if you'd prefer it be different, you have the power to change. Don't believe me? Think you're "lazy" for good? Prove yourself wrong. Pick one small action -- it can be tiny. Do it right now. Lazy about clutter? Throw away one envelope. I'm serious! One envelope is all you need to begin to change a habit. What is one tiny action you can do right now? Prove your "lazy" self wrong. You can choose to do things differently whenever you'd like. :)

Build a Powerful Foundation of Strength -- Be YOU

Need strength to tackle a challenge or realize your dreams? Here's the most powerful way to accomplish that. Choose to not fit yourself in another’s mold. Be whatever you are, just because you’d like to be and know that is GOOD. Others will have to adapt to that. You NEED to be what you are. Allow yourself to be like a classy gorgeous bottle of champagne -- let yourself uncork and bubble over with joy -- and don’t allow anyone to bottle you up! No matter how afraid you are of losing them -- if they can’t stand letting you bubble over as yourself, they can’t allow “you” to exist, so you have already lost them in the first place anyway -- since not allowing you to be you means they aren’t really with “you.” So you never had them in the first place. Bubble over with kindness, love and joy like a fountain -- in your own personal way, whatever that is. If you can tap into the strength of accepting yourself, you'll build a strong, powerful foundation of confidence -- the kind that tu...

Smart, but did something dumb? The only person to blame is...Bob the Elf!

Have you ever taken a really stupid action when you knew better? We've all done it. But why? Why do we not take the right actions when we need to? Being smart and using logic aren't enough to accomplish this -- there is something more important to being successful. FUN FACT: Your current beliefs are resulting in your current actions. If you're not getting results you want, your beliefs are not supporting your actions. What are some of these "stupid actions?" Let's say your goal is to get a great new job. STUPID ACTIONS: Eating a lot of cheetos, NOT applying for jobs. Distracting self with reality TV shows, binge drinking, crying, complaining, blaming the economy, feeling frozen, begging friends for money, fearing living on the street. You know these actions won't lead to getting a fabulous new career! You're smarter than that. But there is a reason smart people do stupid things. Let me explain why and how to change it. Why we do stupid things: Imagine...

Don't miss August 10th event! (In Manhattan)

Discover your Vision for Your Business Sign up: (under events) or Attention entrepreneurs and business owners! Ever wonder why you’re working so hard? What’s it all for? This workshop will help you discover, clarify and create a vision for your business! Discover what you really want in this workshop, led by a Certified Life Coach. Find out how to enjoy your work more, attract fulfillment and success more easily by creating a Business Vision. Also, your vision helps guide your daily decisions. Regardless of what stage your business is at, this creative, upbeat workshop will help you create your own Business Vision *Creating a vision helps you understand what you are working towards day-to-day  *Attract success by having a clear picture of what you want  *Understand and clarify your Business Vision  *Discover what you really want!  *Learn how to visualize  *Take your business to the next level by envisioning success!  *Get bette...

Win free coaching and freebies!

Health, Beauty & Wellness Networking Event- Free Event Hey everyone! Join me Thursday July 30th at 7pm at Solas in Manhattan It's at a fun, life-improving event in Manhattan! :) I'll have a table set up so you can learn more about getting what you want faster! Health, beauty, and wellness experts will also be there.  RSVP here:

Economy Spending -- Be Careful What You Cut

A lot of people are concerned about spending cash right now, and for good reason. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your purchases and avoiding a "scarcity mentality" that causes you to hoard and lose perspective. Remember that if you're depressed it may make it more difficult to find motivation to tackle your goals -- so choose your purchases wisely, keeping yourself and what you need to be happy and healthy in mind.  1. What is really necessary?  Not only for your budget, but for what makes you happy. If you're miserable it will be harder to maintain the motivation to work, improve your current career or find a new, better career that pays what you need -- these things take emotional and physical energy. Think what purchases you really enjoy and add to your life for some time and what are things that don't really matter to you. For instance, if taking yoga class makes you feel balanced, energetic and gives you what you need to get through the week,...

There are no "good" or "bad" decisions-- how to detach from the outcome.

It can be easy to feel frozen when faced with a decision -- w hat if you make the wrong one? Try this one tip that can make it instantly easier to decide! When stressed about a decision, what usually happens is we are forgetting that we don't control what happens -- we only control what decision we make. We forget that no matter how well we do on an interview, we don't control if we are hired. Only how well we do. We can do amazingly well on an interview and not get a job for many other reasons we don't control. It doesn't matter how gorgeous or handsome and charming we are on a date, we may not see that person again if there are other factors we can't control (maybe the are in the middle of therapy they need to focus on? Or perhaps they are getting back with an ex?). Separating what we control (our decisions/actions) from what we don't (just about everything else) makes it easier to stop blaming ourselves for the weather, and start taking responsibility for bri...

Don't miss it! Event tomorrow!

Health, Beauty & Wellness Networking Event- Free Event Hey everyone! Join me Thursday June 25th at 7pm! It's at a fun, life-improving event in Manhattan! :) I'll have a table set up so you can learn more about Life Coaching! Vendors in the areas of health, beauty, and wellness will also be there.  RSVP here:

Your Ideal City...

I really think everyone has one, or two or three, ideal cities. Places you're sort of born to go and live. Sometimes, you luck out, and the life and place where you are born match your heart and soul. And other times, you have to go far away to find that place that makes you feel most at home. Where is your ideal city? What feels like home to you? And what makes you feel at home, no matter where you live? Want to find the best life coach for you and your goals? Need a new life? Career or personal dreams? Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients. 

Life Coach TV Guest!

Hi all! I will be the guest on Life Coach TV, which is broadcast in Manhattan, at 8pm on 4/27. Check back for more details! In the meantime, for more info check: -Julie Want to find the best life coach for you and your goals? Need a new life? Career or personal dreams? Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients. 

Presentation at Personal Assistant Meeting

Tonight I had the opportunity to speak about career success at a NYC Personal Assistant meeting on the Upper East Side.  I discussed how to know if you are a good fit for a career -- I included an in-depth quiz. The results explain career strengths. I included interview questions to ask employers. Using the "do you have any questions?" moment to show that you care about making sure it's a good fit is impressive to employers.  Also, finding out in a subtle way if they will value your greatest career strengths or not gives you a lot of important information about what to expect from the job.  If you'd like to take the career quiz, email me for a complimentary copy: Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients. 

High Risk -- the space between success and failure

When you dive into a high-risk goal, you run the risk of ending up in one of two directions -- fabulous success, or pitiful failure. These two end results are what prevents most of us from taking action. We picture our wealth and riches or we see ourselves sitting in a cardboard box if we were to actually jump into that entrepreneurial idea. For my clients who deal with risk on a regular basis, financial traders, brokers, actors, entrepreneurs, it can be a life-shortening, heart-pounding, wrinkle-inducing battle between celebration and depression, debt and failure.  So how does one navigating the highs and lows while staying sane? Try these tips 1) Understand the worst case scenario -- the most important thing is whether you can deal with it emotionally. If you're strong enough to do that, you can figure out the logistics of making the rest happen. Can you handle the emotional risk? What would you need to do to become stronger? Or is another path your best option? 2) Find the spac...

How to Take Action Despite Being Scared

When you know what you need to do, but your heart is pounding, your palms are sweating and your thoughts are begging you to please, just not do that -- how do you take action anyway? Find out with these quick tips. 1) Decide on your course of action -- ask yourself "what do I need to take action on that I've been avoiding?" Your answer is likely something that scares you. Choose which scary actions are most important for propelling your life successfully forward. Maybe you need to apply for a new job , audition for a part, submit a bid, call a prospect, ask for a date, introduce yourself to a stranger, or have a difficult conversation -- what scares you that you want to take action on? Ask yourself this. 2) Why do you want it -- what will taking this scary action bring you? Peace of mind? Fulfillment? Joy? Money? A new relationship? Risk does truly equal reward! Write down what good things could happen to you if you t...

How to Make Your Resolutions Stick

It's a fresh, bright new year! 2009 promises to be great -- so what better time to start living our best lives? But how can we make those familiar resolutions to improve finances, relationships and health stick this year? Check out this article for easy tips! 1) Know what you want -- sounds simple, but if you don't have a clear idea what your dreams for the upcoming year are, you won't have the passion to stick to them. Discover what you really want by asking yourself what you'd do this year if you were a billionaire. Maybe a vacation is what you're craving? Or more time with important people? Getting in touch with what you really want will spark your passion and make it easier to reach that goal quickly -- plus, it's just more fun to achieve the things you really want. 2) Know what you don't want -- think about your worst case scenario for this year. What really scares you? What would be the ...